Detection of prostate cancer, generally, involves the assessment of risk factors (age, race, and family history), a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test, and finally a prostate biopsy, the sampling of tissue from the prostate.
The ExoDx Prostate(lntelliScore) (EPI) test was designed to help your doctor evaluate your risk for high-grade prostate cancer. This, in turn, may help guide your prostate biopsy decision process. The EPI test can be ordered by your doctor if you are 50 years of age or older, and your PSA level is between 2-10 ng/ml (often referred to as the grey zone because there is no clearly defined or wholly accepted protocol for next steps in treatment).
EPI, in combination with other standards of care parameters can help your doctor decide if you are a candidate for a tissue biopsy. Evidence strongly, suggests6 that most of the prostate cancers detected upon prostate biopsy are low-grade, and, will remain indolent throughout a patient’s, lifetime . This has put the medical community’s focus on avoiding complications and costs 1 associated with unnecessary biopsies and the corresponding overtreatment. EPI helps your physician to evaluate your likelihood of having high-grade prostate cancer, and subsequently whether you may be able to forego a prostate biopsy in favor of continued monitoring.