Cosmetic or Excessive Sweating

Are you someone who has to spend hours trying to pick out an outfit due to the fear of how sweating may affect it? Having overactive sweat glands can be an embarrassing problem to deal with. Fortunately, our team at New York Medicine Doctors can help. We have the remedies you need to correct your sweating problems and restore your self-confidence.

What Is Excessive Sweating?

Everybody sweats. That is simply a fact of life. Sweat helps to regulate our body temperature to prevent us from overheating. However, some people find themselves sweating more than others. This condition, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be a nightmare to deal with. It takes place when the sweating goes beyond the typical physical need to do so. Excessive sweating can take place in the:

  • Underarms.
  • Hands.
  • Feet.
  • Or wherever there are sweat glands.

How Can It Be Treated?

Excessive sweating poses no severe medical threat. If you’re comfortable enough, treatment does not need to be sought. However, many want to eliminate this problem as quickly as possible. That is where our team can come in. Below are examples of how this condition can be treated:

  • Prescription-strength antiperspirant. 
  • Prescription creams.
  • Nerve blocking medication.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Botox injections.

When To See A Doctor

As previously mentioned, hyperhidrosis is not a condition that requires immediate medical attention. However, if you find that your sweating problem begins to interfere with completing everyday activities, it’s best to contact our team right away.