
A large portion of Americans exceeds the daily recommended amount of sugar intake each day. While there are a variety of health issues that can follow this, one of the more devastating ones is diabetes. While there are different types of diabetes, they can all lead to patients having excess sugar in their bloodstream. Sores, nerve damage, and even the need for amputations can all take place if your diabetes is not diagnosed and managed.

Symptoms To Watch For    

When the body cannot produce enough insulin to break down the glucose that is in the bloodstream, which can be what happens with diabetes, patients can find themselves dealing with an array of issues. Those that find themselves in a battle with type 1 or type 2 diabetes may soon develop the following symptoms:

  • Increased thirst.
  • Fatigue.
  • Bouts of extreme hunger.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Ketones in urine.

How Is Diabetes Diagnosed  

Several different tests can be performed to diagnose diabetes. However, each test has something in common, which is the fact that blood needs to be taken to determine your glucose levels. Doctors recommend that patients who fall into the below categories schedule an appointment for a diabetes test:

  • Having a BMI over 25.
  • Those over the age of 45.
  • People diagnosed with what is known as prediabetes.

How To Prepare For The Test 

Generally, diabetes tests are administered with no preparation needed on the patient’s part. However, that is not always the case. Our doctors require you to fast overnight before the blood sample is taken. Our team will be sure to inform you if you need to refrain from eating for a certain period before your visit.