Ambulatory ECG

Sometimes, medical tests are needed to show the health of your heart at an exact point in time. Traditional ECGs allow this to happen, as this test monitors the electrical activity in your heart for periods of around 10 seconds. However, the heart needs to be monitored over some time. That is where an ambulatory ECG comes into play. At New York Medicine Doctors, our team can utilize this test to help determine what is wrong with your heart.

What Is An Ambulatory ECG?

The purpose of an ambulatory ECG is to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias that occur infrequently or irregularly. Those who suffer from issues such as this can find their symptoms to be sudden, only for them to dissipate the arrhythmia to be gone by the time you get to the doctor’s office to have a test performed. Ambulatory ECGs can monitor heart activity for days, weeks, and in extreme cases, years. Doing so allows for the arrhythmia to be recorded no matter when it takes place.

When Is It Used?

There are a variety of complications that can take place that can lead to the development of irregular heartbeat issues. Fortunately, our team is well versed in this area, and our expert cardiologists know when to implement the use of an ambulatory ECG. This monitoring test is used for the following reasons:

  • To assess the effectiveness of previous heart treatment procedures.
  • To screen for potential heart arrhythmias.
  • To look for episodes of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation.
  • To search for signs of asymptomatic heart ischemia.

How Is Heart Activity Monitored? 

Depending on the severity of your condition, different monitoring methods can be used during your ambulatory ECG. Our doctors will discuss the difference with you at the time of your appointment and determine which one better suits your needs. Examples of the types of monitors we have at our disposal include:

  • Holter monitors.
  • Event monitors.
  • Patch monitors.
  • Implantable monitors.